Next are the horse, sheep and monkey. I’m, personally, the sign of the monkey, because I was born in 1992.
1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
Horse: This animal represents the speed and grace of movement. They have great coordination, beauty and nobility. It is a docile animal, friendly and very loyal. They are symbol of solidarity and collaboration. It is a suspicious and cunning animal. People born under the influence of horse years are optimistic, communicative and sociable. At the same time are quite independent has a strong temperament and passion come to clash in their social and labor relations. Escuchar
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1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003.
Sheep: The Chinese people relate to the monks, men who retire as a symbol of obedience and hermit. It is a symbol of obedience and respect. Those who are under the sign of the sheep are friendly and intelligent. They have an artistic sense that is innate to them, so they could easily live through any of the fine arts but are inconsistent. Lack of confidence leads them to think all the time and sometimes they are drawn by the facts and come to live of others.
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1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004
Monkey: In India it is considered sacred because it mimics the human and reflects human foibles like their habits. It is a symbol of good luck, happiness and cheerfulness. They are quick, intelligent and skillful in working; it’s always in constant motion. It’s ingenious and, especially, it’s wicked, witty and original. They have a great common sense and have a major bearing in eroticism. When they are interested are able to adopt a cold actitud. You would never know what will be their reaction at any time.
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